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The Food-Mood, Mood-Food Connection

We have many choices each day when it comes to our well-being. What we choose to eat being a big one. Have you ever thought about how food affects your mood? Have you ever though about how your mood affects your food choice?  I am not here to get preachy and tell you what to eat and what not to eat, I am just asking you to be a mindful observer of how your food choices make you feel and how your mood affects what you choose.

A great way to observe how your food choices make you feel or what you are feeling when you make your food choice is to create an awareness journal. In your notes include things like:.

  • How hungry were you when you ate or were you even hungry at all?
  • What kind of day were you having? What was going on?
  • A summary of what you ate (don’t worry about counting calories,  fat grams, etc..)
  • How you felt when you were done eating.

Did you notice any connection with your hunger level and food choices? Are there any patterns with regards to your mood and your food choices  or how much you ate? How about your energy level? Were you tired, bored or stressed?

If you ate too much, make a note of how you felt both physically and emotionally. If you ate and you were not even hungry, what was going on at that moment? Remember, this is about mindful self-awareness, not about feeling guilty or shameful with regard to your choices.  All we are looking to do is recognize  patterns and build new habits that will lead to instinctive eating.

You might be surprised what you discover!

For more tips on mindful eating as well as up and coming Am I Hungry?®  Mindful Eating, Vibrant Living workshops, follow me on Facebook!